What age children can come to Kidsboro Academy?

8 weeks - 13 years of age

What are Kidsboro Academy hours?

We are open from 6:30am to 5:45pm. Pick-ups must be made by no later than 6:00pm, or charges are incurred.

How can I enroll my child?

While completing the registration form is important, and a part of the process, a tour and parental interview are a required part of the process.

It is very important that the child’s/children’s parents and/or guardians are involved every step of the way, and that we have the ability to work with you and your families to get the best education experience possible.

Kidsboro Academy is not just a place for child care. It is an educational experience for the entire family.

Is there an option to go part-time?

Programs 12-Weeks to 2-years are full-time. We offer full and part-time options for our Early Pre-School, Pre-K and Transitional programs; limited placements for part-time openings are available. We also offer before school, and after-school programs for school-aged kids ages 6-13.

How much does it cost to attend Kidsboro Academy?

Costs vary by the age of the child, and whether or not they are full-time or part-time status. Please contact Kidsboro Academy administration for more detailed information.

Is a uniform required?

We do not require uniforms at Kidsboro Academy. We do ask that you have them attend in season-appropriate, clean clothing, and with close-toed shoes.

What should my child bring each day?

Your child should have the following items available in their clean backpack daily:
• Two (2) extra sets of clothing
• One (1) extra set of shoes
• One (1) no-spill drinking cup (labeled with their name)
• One (1) blanket to use during quiet times/nap times
• Formula or breast milk for the entirety of the day (for infants)

If your child is not potty/toilet trained, you will need to provide Kidsboro Academy both wipes and diapers for your child.

Who can pick up my child?

For safety reasons, students can only be picked up by authorized pick-ups. Parents/Guardians set authorized pick-ups during the registration process.

Does my child need to bring their own lunch or snacks?

Breakfast, AM snack, lunch, and PM snack are all included in the cost of tuition, and are dependent upon the time your child arrives at Kidsboro Academy. Please contact Kidsboro Academy administration for more detailed information.

How do you handle food allergies?

Kidsboro Academy requires all children with allergies to provide paperwork and doctor’s plans on how we are to provide safe care for the child. Please contact Kidsboro Academy administration for more detailed information.

What will my child’s day look like?

Each day will include a mix of play time, learning centers, crafts, outdoor time, breakfast, lunch, snacks, and naps/rest times (if age appropriate). We’d encourage you to schedule a tour for you to see “a day in the life” of your child!

When can we tour the facility?

Tours are completed Monday-Thursday after 6:00pm, by appointment. Please contact Kidsboro Academy administration for more detailed information.

How will I know my child is reaching developmental milestones?

Teachers guide children in age-appropriate developmental and educational activities. You can see what activities they are participating in throughout the day via our ProCare app.

How can I see what my child is doing throughout the day?

You can see what activities they are participating in throughout the day via our ProCare app. You can also update information, communicate with your child’s educators, make payments for tuition, and access your end-of-the-year tax statements through the app!

Does Kidsboro Academy provide transportation to and from area schools?

Yes! We provide transportation to and from local elementary schools. Please contact Kidsboro Academy administration for more detailed information.

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